Our Story

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Our story is marked by courageous entrepreneurs making bold choices

It began in 1990 with a small international group of friends. Each of them operated their own executive search firm. They wanted to give forward-looking companies a new way to find exceptional leaders.

They weren’t happy with the “standard” practices of the day. Clients felt uncertain and anxious rather than supported and empowered.They could face questions like: who is my point of contact? Will they update me on how the search is going? Can I trust them to find the right person?

Partnering with an executive search team should remove stress; not increase it. And so, these entrepreneurs joined forces and created Stanton Chase — a global executive search firm focused on building partnerships with pioneering companies. This committed family of experts wrote into our DNA the rules that would set us apart.

Our Four Core Rules of Operating

Every partner owns their own office.
Stanton Chase recognizes that the best way to understand business owners is by being one. That's why all our offices are partner-owned. Our partners will ensure that you receive personalized service with exceptional attention to detail.
Every partner owns a share of the global practice.
What’s good for one is good for all. We celebrate collaboration between our offices. That means with Stanton Chase, you have access to the best and brightest from around the world.
We measure our success by your success.
We believe in building partnerships, and we are here for the long run. We proudly maintain the highest level of client loyalty in the industry.
Create a culture of friendship and trust.
A culture of friendship and trust is our international hallmark for client and consultant interactions. All with a focus on helping your business thrive.

What Makes Stanton Chase Unique?

Personal Partnership
Deeper than superficial. Your personal partnership with us means we know your people, work culture, and business. While always professional, we believe in cultivating a friendly atmosphere, so the lines of communication stay open and comfortable.
We carefully select our assignments and focus on getting the job done. We go deeper to find those rare individuals who deliver results. And we stay close until the candidate is fully onboarded and integrated. We won’t leave you hanging because we’re committed to seeing you soar.
Direct Senior Operation
The partner-led senior team you hire is the same team who’ll work with you from start to finish. This reduces stress because you always know who you’re working with and how to reach them.
One Team
We operate as one global team of owners who take individual responsibility for delivering outstanding quality for each assignment.

We offer global perspective and local insight

We are truly global with experienced consultants across 45 countries worldwide. Connect with our experts or view all office locations in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific.

Board of

The Board of Directors at Stanton Chase is an essential driving force behind the organization’s overall guidance and direction. As a global authority on leadership, we take pride in having exceptional leaders on our Board, renowned for their expertise in their respective fields. These leaders perfectly exemplify the core values of Stanton Chase, including dedication to innovation, courage, empathy, passion, and unwavering commitment.


Stanton Chase prides itself on board independence and transparent corporate governance. It is our Governance Committee’s responsibility to ensure both. In addition to reporting to shareholders, the Committee identifies individuals qualified to be International Chair and Board Members, and recommends them to shareholders. Тhe Committee evaluates the Board’s composition and oversees Stanton Chase’s voting process and elections.

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

We are dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging because we believe in the equal worth of every human being. We are driven by our mission to effect positive change and promote a more equitable and inclusive world.

We strive to foster an environment that is welcoming and respectful to everyone we encounter. Our approach is anchored in conscious inclusion. We actively embrace diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

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Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe that corporate social responsibility is not just an obligation, but a privilege. We are grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact in the world, and we take this responsibility seriously.

Our commitment to corporate social responsibility means that we strive to operate in an ethical and honorable manner on a global scale, while also contributing to the betterment of our communities.

Our local teams are dedicated to identifying and supporting philanthropic programs that are relevant to the specific needs of each community we serve.

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