Stanton Chase
Executive Search: A Regional Head in Banking Case Study

Executive Search: A Regional Head in Banking Case Study

January 2023


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>The Background 

An International Wholesale Bank Strengthening Its Cross-Border Reach 

For many years, Stanton Chase’s consultants have maintained a relationship with a leading international wholesale bank. The bank reached out in 2021 with a special assignment: it needed a Head of Asia to develop and enhance its Asian operations.

> The Challenge

Finding a Banking Professional with the Savvy to Navigate a Cross-Border and Cross-Cultural Leadership Role

A professional from the region was needed to ensure that they understood the geographical differences and corporate culture. To find the best possible candidate, Stanton Chase reached out to CEOs, Managing Directors, and Department Heads with long histories in the region and the industry. It was also important that the candidate be entrepreneurial enough to achieve growth in the region, while having strong enough collaboration skills to work with the company’s headquarters to execute its corporate strategy in the region. Our consultants had the credibility to engage with senior executives and directly access the top talent.

> The Solution 

A Search That Transcended Cultures and Borders 

With our consultants’ deep and first-hand knowledge of the banking industry and the Asian market, they recognized which skills candidates needed to drive the bank’s Asian operations forward and advised the client accordingly.

As a result of their decades of experience, our consultants devised a comprehensive mapping and search strategy and conducted an extensive search that culminated in multiple candidates being assessed. Our interview process was designed to test and measure the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses, their leadership style and personality, as well as their ability to add to or fit into the bank’s existing culture.

> Feedback 

The Ideal Regional Head 

The chosen candidate excelled in the leadership assessments and distinguished themselves as a strong contender from the start.

The candidate became the banking institution’s Head of Asia after being approved by the country’s regulator. Their role will include strengthening the bank’s regional presence, promoting its existing products, and expanding its operations. Moreover, the candidate has a good understanding of both Asian and the bank’s home markets, making them a perfect cultural match.

> Our Team

Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Experts 

With deep experience conducting executive searches and leadership assessments, Eva Kingston and Russell Kalam (Partners at Stanton Chase London) are global specialists in cross-border Financial Services.

As a result of their expertise in the banking industry, as well as international markets, they were able to successfully complete this project by finding the ideal candidate who ticked all the boxes and was a perfect match for both the bank’s headquarters as well as the region for which they would be responsible.

“A very thorough and comprehensive search resulting in complete coverage of the target market, enhancing our understanding of the Asia region.” —Eva Kingston

Executive Search
CFO and Financial Executives
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At Stanton Chase, we're more than just an executive search and leadership consulting firm. We're your partner in leadership.

Our approach is different. We believe in customized, personal, and fearless executive search, executive assessment, board services, succession planning, and leadership onboarding support.

We believe in your potential to achieve greatness and we'll do everything we can to help you get there.

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