Stanton Chase
Why Are Leadership Assessments Important? (and How Can They Help Your C-Suite?) 

Why Are Leadership Assessments Important? (and How Can They Help Your C-Suite?) 

October 2023


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Competent leaders perpetually invest in the quality and efficiency of their teams. But how can you create a similar degree of quality assurance for the C-suite itself?

Leadership assessments provide data, analysis, and guidance that can guide you as you manage the upper echelons of your organization, from recruitment right through to succession. They help ascertain each leader’s potential, growth areas, and current strengths and attributes.  

This knowledge equips companies to improve their leadership, leading to positive organizational transformation. While leadership development programs are common, assessment programs remain undervalued and underutilized. 

What Does Leadership Assessment Look Like?

Most executives are familiar with leadership development programs. But what do leadership assessment programs look like?  

These assessments use objective analysis to understand the capabilities, character, and skills of an executive team. Qualified third-party analysts, like the executive recruitment partners at Stanton Chase, analyze competencies, behaviors, and readiness in both current and future leaders. 

Assessors leverage competency-based interviews, extensive referencing, case studies, and psychometric diagnostics to gather insights in an unbiased manner. Good assessments also come with post-assessment solutions to improve development. At Stanton Chase, we offer leadership advisory services that include key components, such as: 

  • Recruitment assessments: How do you vet and select external leaders during the hiring process? 
  • Development assessments: How are you developing current and future leaders within your company? 
  • Organizational change assessments: Where does your organization’s leadership require fine-tuning to ensure everyone is in the right place with responsibilities that align with their strengths? 
  • Succession planning assessments: How are you prepared for the future as far as leadership in your company is concerned? 

These areas and others like them are important to assess from time to time. This ensures you’ve optimized your company’s leadership for success. 

Why Is Leadership Assessment Important?

There are many advantages that come from thorough, unbiased, third-party leadership assessments.  

For instance, this can help create roadmaps to develop internal talent and address skill gaps to prepare them for future leadership roles. A recent Leadership Transitions Report from DDI found that nearly 40% of organizations with high-quality assessment and development programs for their C-suites maintain “a strong bench of leaders” who are ready to step into critical roles when needed. 

Other advantages of leadership assessment include: 

  • Gauging the fit of external candidates to ensure they align with your culture, goals, and needs. 
  • Helping guide leadership adjustments that result from mergers and acquisitions. 
  • Finding internal candidates with hidden talents and potential. 
  • Providing a third-party perspective with reorganizational experience, objective analysis, and elite insights 
  • Improving key drivers of ongoing leadership success, such as efficiency, confidence, engagement, and vision. 

While they have the potential to be effective, as with most C-suite initiatives, you should always hire qualified practitioners who can execute leadership assessments the right way. 

You should always hire qualified practitioners who can execute leadership assessments the right way. 

At Stanton Chase, we offer sophisticated leadership assessments that bring the experience of a global team to the table. We tailor our assessments to each client we work with, and our experienced assessors use modern psychometric tools and unbiased evaluations to assess leadership talent and capabilities. 

Once complete, we present our assessments in simple, visual reports. These help our clients make informed, data-driven decisions. 

If you’re aware of the importance of leadership assessments, but you know your organization is coming up short in that area, reach out. Our team has the capabilities, experience, training, and tools to provide a high-quality evaluation of your company’s top brass. We can provide the insights and analysis required to help you engage in strategic executive recruitment, organizational change, leadership development, and succession planning. 

That way, you can optimize your C-suite with both an A-list starting line-up and a deep bench as you prepare to tackle whatever the future may hold. 

About the Author

Kevin McGonigle is a Director for Stanton Chase’s South Central region. Over his three-decade-long career, he has garnered extensive experience across various industries, including telecommunications, high tech, financial services, hospitality, consumer goods, and industrial. His career spans five continents and includes prominent Fortune 500 companies, private equity firms, and family-controlled businesses. 

Executive Assessment
Leadership Development

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At Stanton Chase, we're more than just an executive search and leadership consulting firm. We're your partner in leadership.

Our approach is different. We believe in customized and personal executive search, executive assessment, board services, succession planning, and leadership onboarding support.

We believe in your potential to achieve greatness and we'll do everything we can to help you get there.

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