Elena Meliov

Senior Consultant

“I have no special talents; I am only passionately curious. I enjoy being challenged by the opportunity to deliver strategic solutions for almost any problem.”

Meet Elena, a Senior Consultant at Stanton Chase Sofia.

An Executive Search Professional with a Passion for Executive Assessment

Elena is a seasoned professional with more than 12 years of experience at Stanton Chase Sofia. Her expertise spans executive searches for multinational companies, particularly in the pharmaceutical, technology, and professional services industries.

In 2019, Elena shifted her focus to specialize in executive assessments. She now works closely with psychometric instruments to uncover strengths, potential, and areas needing improvement, aiding in both executive selection and leadership development.

Elena’s Recent Success Stories 

  • Elena recently placed a General Manager for an international pharmaceutical firm.
  • Elena recently placed an HR Director at a leading global technology company.
  • Elena is committed to deeply understanding the business needs that drive company transformations and has successfully placed strategic Business Unit Heads within the world’s top 10 pharmaceutical companies to aid these shifts.

An Expert in Human Connection

Elena earned her Bachelor’s degree in Economic Psychology and a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. 

She further specialized in somatic psychotherapy at the Bodynamic International Institute in Denmark, where she focused on gaining a deeper understanding of human contact and communication, and their roles in fostering successful professional behavior. 

Elena is passionate about exploring the human capacity for connection and the behaviors that stem from the success or failure of establishing such relationships.


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Elena serves clients in the following offices:

Sofia, Bulgaria

81B Bulgaria Blvd. Floor 6 1404 Sofia

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Phone: +359 2 962 2931

Email: [email protected]